Adversity and Opportunity

Maybe your kids are off school and you’re working from home because of the Coronavirus outbreak. There’s only so much you can take with the kids indoors all day and the pressure’s building. They’ve been playing video games all morning and you’ve been keeping the little ones busy with craft projects, but now they’re running around the house burning up pent up energy, and you’re fit to be tied.  You’ve been down this road before, and this isn’t going to end well. . .

If you’re having second thoughts about taking them down to the local playground with all the other neighborhood kids—why not do a quick search to find local trails and natural areas that you can explore as a family?  Turning adversity into opportunity, you’ll get them out into the fresh air and spend some precious time together as a family.  Put on some old clothes—bundle them up and let them play hide and seek in the woods, build a den, or go for a bike ride together.  Spring is coming to the southern states and there’s so much to see and do outdoors.  It doesn’t cost anything, you’ll avoid the crowds, the kids can blow off steam, and you’ll find you have renewed energy to tackle another day and get through this.

Originally from England, Amanda Hughes-Horan has an M.S. in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University where she studied burrowing owls. She’s an avid cross-country skier and kayaker, worked for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for many years, and is the Owner and Principal of Interpretive Insights.
Amanda Hughes-Horan

Principal, Interpretive Insights